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I don't believe it
I don't believe it
by Marjorie Dobson
Dramatic monologue: ‘I don’t believe it!” Fifth Sunday in Lent John 11: 1 - 45 They said he was dead, but it seems a bit suspicious to me. How can they prove it? I know we’d had all the weeping and wailing and the body put in the tomb and the door sealed to keep him in and t…
A New Day Dawns
A New Day Dawns
by Andrew T Murphy
A hymn for Easter Sunday. This hymn expresses the magnitude of Christ's resurrection on Easter Day as not just "the day after the Sabbath... the first day of the week", but the dawn of a new age of God's saving activity, even the start of the 8th Day of creation...
Bread of Life, Jesus Christ
Bread of Life, Jesus Christ
by Andrew T Murphy
A hymn for holy communion, encompassing a rich theology of the eucharist, based around the real presence of Christ. The tune will at first raise a few smiles, but works powerfully with the words to help prepare a congregation to receive the Lord's Supper.
Foot washing was no Joke!
Foot washing was no Joke!
by Tim Pillinger
When Jesus washed his disciple's feet this wasn't some cozy ritual. They had been walking all day, in sandals, in a time where the main transport was horse and donkey. It was a job for the worst servant. The bottom of the heap. Jesus did this. He knows tomorrow he'll serve i…
Imagining the Lectionary: high street crucifixion
Imagining the Lectionary: high street crucifixion
by David Perry
Imagining the Lectionary: Good Friday – High Street Crucifixion Reflection accompanying image “Christ crucified on the high street” God so loved the how can something which matters so much seem to mean so little to so many, not least when so many have so much hid…
Poem: Local lad
Poem: Local lad
by Marjorie Dobson
Poem: Local lad (This poem could be split into several voices and almost read as a conversation – or a gossiping session!) Local lad made good, he was. Or so they thought when he first came back to them. Their carpenter’s son with a reputation for being clever, ever since childho…
Monologue/drama: My Troubled Son
Monologue/drama: My Troubled Son
by Marjorie Dobson
Monologue/drama: My Troubled Son If you’ve got a few minutes to spare, I’d like to tell you about my son. Oh, yes! I’ve got a son! He doesn’t live round here any more, of course! Hasn’t done for years. No, my daughters look after me – and my sons-in-law - and it’s lovely to have …
Poem: We were ashamed
Poem: We were ashamed
by Marjorie Dobson
Poem: We were ashamed We were ashamed. We’d been caught out. We thought he hadn’t heard us. We wouldn’t have been talking about it if we’d known. We were ashamed. Boasting about our own achievements. Scoring points over each other. Even though we knew none of us could better him.…
Prayer: Challenging God